(304) 944-3455
(304) 258-2291
In my years of practicing dentistry in Berkeley Springs, I have been blessed to treat many patients and develop longstanding friendships with them and their families. It has always been my goal to provide the care and attention that each one deserves. With the outstanding staff that assists me, we work hard each day to attain quality care for all. While dentistry has changed in many ways through the years, the dedication to providing the best possible experience for those who enter our office has not.
Steadily learning the newest and most advanced dental treatment options is an important facet of my work. I attend more than 40 hours of continuing education each year, and focus on all aspects of restorative and cosmetic dentistry. The majority of our practice is built on restoration of teeth, which results in improved health and confident smiles. Staying in touch with advances in the field is both a requirement and a means to providing our patients the highest quality of care.
An active proponent of organized dentistry, I served for many years as a representative of West Virginia to the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association. I am also a member of the Eastern Panhandle Dental Society, West Virginia Dental Association, American Dental Association, American College of Dentists, Academy of Operative Dentistry, International College of Dentists, and West Virginia University Alumni Association. I also enjoy working with future dentists and have taught as a clinical professor at WVU.
It is my belief that giving back to a community is critical to being a resident of that area. To that end, I have worked with a number of local service organizations, held office in school groups, and currently serve on the board of directors for the Healthy Smiles Community Oral Health Center in Martinsburg. I also serve on the Regional Hospital Board and board of directors for Valley Health’s facilities of War Memorial and Hampshire Memorial hospitals.
I enjoy the opportunity to mentor and work with the dental students who are assigned a rural rotation in our office. As a result of those relationships, Dr. Sricharan Mahavadi came on board as an associate and is now the person to take the practice to a new era. While I will now be the associate, I am grateful to have such an outstanding young dentist take the reins of this practice.
My wife Toni and I have raised three children and are now blessed to have four grandchildren. My spare time is spent with family and working at our farm, where I enjoy raising cattle, growing crops, making hay, and golfing when I get the chance!